The unsuspected life of pebbles [in class].

The unsuspected life of pebbles [in class]. image1


A workshop based on sensitive, imaginary and scientific approaches, to explain to the little ones where local rocks come from and what their characteristics are.
The pebbles of the Chablais region all have their own story. But where do the pebbles found on the shores of Lake Geneva come from? And why are they so smooth? The answers will be given in the form of a tale, geographically anchored in the in the Chablais region. After the tale, pupils can reconstruct the hero's story around a relief model, consolidating what they've learned and discovering the phenomena of erosion and sedimentation. Limited number of free events during the school year (otherwise €135).


Fee: 135 €.


74200, Thonon-les-Bains
All year round.On demand.